Quorum how-to
The original article may be consulted at https://github.com/ConsenSys/qbc/blob/master/docs/HOWTO.md
Setting up your own Quorum network
Set up the Quorum node network
Generate Enode and nodekey
Each node in the network is identified by a unique id assigned to it called the enode. This enode is the public key corresponding to a private nodekey.
Generate public enode from the private nodekey:
nodekey=`docker run -v <PATH TO DATA FOLDER>:/var/qdata/ consensys/quorum:latest sh -c "/opt/bootnode -genkey /var/qdata/dd/nodekey -writeaddress;cat /var/qdata/dd/nodekey"`;
enode=`docker run -v <PATH TO DATA FOLDER>:/var/qdata/ consensys/quorum:latest sh -c "/opt/bootnode -nodekeyhex $nodekey -writeaddress"`;
Only nodes who's enodes are listed in the static-nodes.json file can participate in the consensus mechanism.
Here is an example of how to generate a static-nodes.json file:
ips=("" "" "" "")
mkdir -p $WORKDIR/q1/dd/
echo "[" > $WORKDIR/q1/dd/static-nodes.json;
for ip in ${ips[*]}; do
mkdir -p $WORKDIR/q${i}/logs;
mkdir -p $WORKDIR/q${i}/dd/{keystore,geth};
enode=`docker run -v $WORKDIR/q${i}:/var/qdata/ consensys/quorum:latest sh -c "/opt/bootnode -genkey /var/qdata/dd/nodekey -writeaddress; cat /var/qdata/dd/nodekey"`;
enode=`docker run -v $WORKDIR/q${i}:/var/qdata/ consensys/quorum:latest sh -c "/opt/bootnode -nodekeyhex $enode -writeaddress"`;
sep=`[[ $i < ${#ips[@]} ]] && echo ","`;
echo ' "enode://'$enode'@'$ip':21000?discport=0"'$sep >> $WORKDIR/q${i}/dd/static-nodes.json;
let i++;
echo "]" >> $WORKDIR/q1/dd/static-nodes.json
The output should look something like this:
$ cat $WORKDIR/q1/dd/static-nodes.json
Create an initial account
/opt/geth --datadir=$WORKDIR/dd account new
You will be prompted for a password.
Keep a copy of the address returned by the program. You can also see the private key has been stored as a file under $WORKDIR/dd/keystore
Create a genesis file
All nodes should have in common the first block (the genesis block) and a set of common parameters to operate the network.
An example of genesis JSON file is in this repository under tests/crux_quorum/istanbul-genesis.json
Please edit the genesis file and add your account to it with a non-zero balance, so you have some Ether when you start the chain.
The JSON file is ingested by the geth init command to initialize the first block.
docker run -it -v <PATH TO DATA FOLDER>:/var/qdata/ -v <PATH TO JSON FILE>:/tmp/genesis.json \
consensys/quorum:latest /opt/geth --datadir /var/qdata/dd init /tmp/genesis.json
Create a list of static and permissioned nodes
As you create the Quorum network, you will need to organize your nodes so they can connect to each other.
You can use two separate files to organize the network:
: this file contains the list of nodes this Quorum instance will connect to.
: nodes listed in this file are explicitly allowed to send data to the Quorum instance.
Both files have the same format. Here is an example.
["enode://abcde....1234@, "enode://abcdde...6543@]
Each enode URI is built with the public key of the node, associated with its host name and RPC port. The discport parameter is set to zero as no discovery is performed on the network.
Quorum. data folder structure
Create the folders as follows:
mkdir -p dd/keystore logs
Copy the files created earlier so it conforms to the structure below:
├── dd
│ ├── keystore
│ │ └── key
│ ├── permissioned-nodes.json
│ └── static-nodes.json
├── logs
│ └── node.log
├── nodekey
└── passwords.txt
Set up Tessera or Crux nodes
Generate Constellation keys
For each Constellation instance, you will need a unique keypair.
This command generates a keypair under /tmp/out.key and /tmp/out.pub.
docker run -v /tmp:/tmp -it consensys/crux:latest /opt/crux --generate-keys /tmp/out
Constellation data folder structure
Create the logs folder: mkdir -p logs
Copy the files created earlier so it conforms to the structure below. Make sure to rename the keypair to tm.key and tm.pub respectively.
├── logs
│ └── crux.log
├── tm.key
└── tm.pub
Running the Quorum network
Running Docker
On each node participating in the network, you will need to run Quorum and Constellation (either Crux or Tessera).
Assuming you followed the instructions above, you should have a data folder for Quorum and Constellation respectively.
You can then start Crux with:
env HOSTNAME=<hostname of the crux node> OTHER_NODES=http://<hostname of an other crux node to discover> docker run -p 9000:9000 -v <path to constellation data>:/var/cdata/ <path to quorum data>:/var/qdata/ -it consensys/crux:latest
You can start Quorum with:
docker run -p 22000:22000 -p 21000:21000 -v <path to quorum data>:/var/qdata/ consensys/quorum:latest
You can also use a docker compose yaml configuration file to run both containers together:
version: "3.4"
image: consensys/crux:latest
container_name: crux
- 9000:9000
restart: always
- HOSTNAME=<hostname of the crux node>
- OTHER_NODES=<hostname of an other crux node to discover>
- ${WORKDIR}/c1:/var/cdata/
- ${WORKDIR}/q1:/var/qdata/
image: consensys/quorum:latest
container_name: quorum
- 22000:22000
- 21000:21000
restart: always
- ${WORKDIR}/q1:/var/qdata/
Check the network is up and running.
On the node, perform the following to check Constellation is up and running:
curl -vv http://localhost:19001/upcheck
Check the quorum logs to check the node came up without issues.
less <path to quorum data>/logs/node.log
Private Transactions
Example of how to send a private transaction:
Send Private Transaction
$ curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_sendTransaction","params":[{"from": "0xed9d02e382b34818e88b88a309c7fe71e65f419d", "to": "0xca843569e3427144cead5e4d5999a3d0ccf92b8e", "gas": "0x76c0", "data": "0xca843569e3427144cead5e4d5999a3d0ccf92b8eed9d02e382b34818e88b88a309c7fe71e65f419d", "privateFor": ["QfeDAys9MPDs2XHExtc84jKGHxZg/aj52DTh0vtA3Xc="]}],"id":1}'
Copy 0xdcbe81138963dc32993ec0a83f6d974e1e3c0ec27fc88f09bfe8c7b54ab51de1
from the result field for the next step
Get Transaction Input
$ curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getTransactionByHash","params":["0xdcbe81138963dc32993ec0a83f6d974e1e3c0ec27fc88f09bfe8c7b54ab51de1"],"id":1}'
Copy 0x7e5b0b4effedf9a3d8c393e2e669a73296066032a0c779d28d5b35234be5da2d529a096efadc8944cc4dfd9bae4ed1efe75c7f7b431584a35dc38c942177884e
from the input field for the next step
Get Payload from Sending node
$ curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"eth_getQuorumPayload", "params":["0x7e5b0b4effedf9a3d8c393e2e669a73296066032a0c779d28d5b35234be5da2d529a096efadc8944cc4dfd9bae4ed1efe75c7f7b431584a35dc38c942177884e"], "id":2}'
Get Payload from Receiving node
$ curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"eth_getQuorumPayload", "params":["0x7e5b0b4effedf9a3d8c393e2e669a73296066032a0c779d28d5b35234be5da2d529a096efadc8944cc4dfd9bae4ed1efe75c7f7b431584a35dc38c942177884e"], "id":2}'
For all other nodes, 0x should be the result:
0x means that the privateFor public key doesn't match any nodes in the network
Open a shell to a container:
docker exec -it <container_name> /bin/bash
Node Info
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"admin_nodeInfo","id":1}'
Get list of connected peers
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"admin_peers","id":1}'
Get blocknumber
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_blockNumber","params":[],"id":1}'
- Kauri original title: Quorum how-to
- Kauri original link: https://kauri.io/quorum-howto/97e916abb4b5431bbb297f42d0ce8b88/a
- Kauri original author: Antoine Toulme (@tmio)
- Kauri original Publication date: 2018-12-05
- Kauri original tags: none
- Kauri original hash: QmfJX3gid9PV68FJSCYbQNDiAsUQ6YbkidbjRRt3w4hsJ5
- Kauri original checkpoint: QmRS3wCLX2MRi62bg9NTM89qNkgm3XjpKXciLvCKAr1f1g