Parental Idol Crypto brand on Shopify + EthQL + deployed NFT + 3D printed design

Project Name

Parental Idol store

Project Tagline/Description (140 Characters Max. Will be used on table card for judging) Enter using password: ethdenver

I integrated the centralised and decentralised along with the physical and digital! A genuine project to be worked on post EthDenver, funds would be appreciated! <3 All done from my sofa in London, UK remotely! Shout out the preset Kauri team there though!

So the plan is to make dank collectibles and automate asset transferring after wiring crypto payment gateways.

I learned about NFTs and ERC721, 0xcert framework, Shopify, 3D CAD design, EthQL's schema during this project!

The initial plan was to integrate SendWyre too but ran out of time! I will do that for sure straight after! No Shopify fees through their centralised gateway, booooo!

Team Members. First and Last Names

Eric Juta ID for Each Team Member (we will use this to contact you and your team)


Detailed Project Description (no more than 3-4 sentences)

Created my dream Cryptocollectible ecommerce store based on 3D printing, NFT asset management, assertation proofs.

Describe your tech stack (e.g., protocols, languages, API’s, etc.)

Javascript AutoDesk 3D CAD Metamask 0xcert GraphQL EthQL Shopify Liquid SendWyre

Track for which you’re submitting (Open or Impact)


All Bounties Completed/Incorporated

Important: You MUST add a tag (at the top, under Title) for each bounty you'd like to submit to. Your project will not be considered for any bounties unless they are tagged. Click "ADD TAG", type "bounty" and select the desired bounty from the list. If you'd like to apply to more than 6 bounties, please add the first 6 as tags, add the details for all of them (max of 10) here, and contact the Kauri team ( to notify them of all 10 bounties you'd like to be considered for. These instructions can be deleted.

In the src folder, you will see the code used to deploy the nfts via 0xcert, the 3D CAD file exported via autodesk and the ethql react app mounted on top of the Shopify product page!