DaiHard - Groundhog Team

Important: You MUST add a tag (at the top, under Title) for each bounty you'd like to submit to. Your project will not be considered for any bounties unless they are tagged. Click "ADD TAG", type "bounty" and select the desired bounty from the list. If you'd like to apply to more than 6 bounties, please add the first 6 as tags, add the details for all of them (max of 10) here, and contact the Kauri team (info@kauri.io) to notify them of all 10 bounties you'd like to be considered for. These instructions can be deleted.

Project Name

Dai Hard

Project Tagline/Description (140 Characters Max. Will be used on table card for judging)

Dai Hard is a CDP management tool that allows users to originate CDPs on their own terms, repay CDPs via automated subscriptions powered by Groundhog, allowing users to easily manage their liquidation risk.

Team Members. First and Last Names

Andrew Redden Jeremy Sheehy Rob Moore Yashar Asheri

Status.im ID for Each Team Member (we will use this to contact you and your team)

Andrew Redden: https://get.status.im/user/0x044acd7e684ae4c063eb55277dc8c0d600825a8c8ae1d0e81951bce6ce191c92dc72edfe457f8140482198e1139b6c1aff3fa89f1b51388d12fc9b2cdb95017691

Rob Moore: https://get.status.im/user/0x04047add2dda11749f09ee3a587d89dde1108451c74918131e630891069b848d2d3201bd0ddc6b24878d1605b08d366490050b56586d79c07ba99fcaec52d16dd9

Jeremy Sheehy

Yashar Asheri

Detailed Project Description (no more than 3-4 sentences)

Dai Hard is a Gnosis Safe Module that enables pre-authorized repayments of a natively originated MakerDAO CDP.

Using SMS based notifications, users are able to proactively top up their CDP enabling them to remain in control of the process every step of the way.

Describe your tech stack (e.g., protocols, languages, API's, etc.)

Groundhog Gnosis Safe Python React Twillio JavaScript/Node MakerDAO Dai Contracts

Track for which you're submitting (Open or Impact)


All Bounties Completed/Incorporated

GnosisSafe MakerDAO - Create a novel, Dai based lending platform

Important: You MUST add a tag (at the top, under Title) for each bounty you'd like to submit to. Your project will not be considered for any bounties unless they are tagged. Click "ADD TAG", type "bounty" and select the desired bounty from the list. If you'd like to apply to more than 6 bounties, please add the first 6 as tags, add the details for all of them (max of 10) here, and contact the Kauri team (info@kauri.io) to notify them of all 10 bounties you'd like to be considered for. These instructions can be deleted.
