
Important: You MUST add a tag (at the top, under Title) for each bounty you'd like to submit to. Your project will not be considered for any bounties unless they are tagged. Click "ADD TAG", type "bounty" and select the desired bounty from the list. If you'd like to apply to more than 6 bounties, please add the first 6 as tags, add the details for all of them (max of 10) here, and contact the Kauri team ( to notify them of all 10 bounties you'd like to be considered for. These instructions can be deleted.

Project Name


Project Tagline/Description (140 Characters Max. Will be used on table card for judging)

Tokenized Cap and Trade Market for Water Pollution

Team Members. First and Last Names

Matt Wojnoski, Ethan Bond ID for Each Team Member (we will use this to contact you and your team)

Matt - Humming Perfect Monoclonius Matt - ethanbond - Greedy Some Clam

Detailed Project Description (no more than 3-4 sentences)

ChainCap is the idea and partial implementation of a tokenized cap and trade market for the pulp and paper industry to combat water pollution. This will allow the market to incentivize companies to "go green" without any abrupt changes to the industry.

Describe your tech stack (e.g., protocols, languages, API’s, etc.)

dApp created in Truffle using a Ganache local network.

Track for which you’re submitting (Open or Impact)


All Bounties Completed/Incorporated

Important: You MUST add a tag (at the top, under Title) for each bounty you'd like to submit to. Your project will not be considered for any bounties unless they are tagged. Click "ADD TAG", type "bounty" and select the desired bounty from the list. If you'd like to apply to more than 6 bounties, please add the first 6 as tags, add the details for all of them (max of 10) here, and contact the Kauri team ( to notify them of all 10 bounties you'd like to be considered for. These instructions can be deleted.

I'm not familiar with Github so I apologize if I uploaded it wrong.