Building a profile hover with 3box

By design public addresses in Ethereum are represented by a 40 character hexadecimal hash which is unappealing for users. This problem can be solved using profile hovers which instead of displaying a user's Ethereum address, we can display a basic social identity, think of it like using ENS domains but more sociable. Here is what a profile hover looks like:

Profile hover

In this tutorial, we expand on what 3Box offers and how to use the profile hovers it offers in React and HTML/CSS apps.

Introducing the 3Box SDK and APIs

3Box helps front-end web developers to keep user data on an open storage network instead of a centralized database server, browser localStorage, or the blockchain. With 3Box, developers are able to build more secure, lightweight, and powerful applications.

All the data is publicly available but only private data can be decrypted by the user giving explicit permission.

3Box provides a JS SDK and various APIs. The profile hover uses the profiles API to get basic data of the user such as the name.

There are different APIs available and these are the most important ones:

Identity API: This one allows developers to perform various actions such as getting the decentralized identity (DID) from a user address or linking new addresses to the DID

Auth API: This API allows developers to request access to a user's 3box profile and spaces.

Profiles API: This API allows developers to perform various actions such as getting public and private information from the user profile.

Read more about all the available APIs.

Overview on profile hovers

Integrating profile hovers into an application not only is a good way to associate hex addresses to 3Box profiles but it also increases social verification of other users in the network.

If you have a decentralized application and you want to replace user's hex addresses with human-readable names, images, descriptions, and other social metadata in their application's UI then you're in the right place! The profile-hover component consists of two elements: tile and hover, they both have different functionalities.

The tile element appears when we need to display an Ethereum address. It has a default style associated with it but you can also decide not to use it.


The hover element appears once the tile element is hovered and it pulls the data from the user's 3Box profile such as name, image, and description.


As outlined in the previous section the profile-hover uses the profiles API to get the data but if the user didn't sign up with 3Box it shows the shortened address and a blocky identicon like this:

No account

Using profile hovers in a React app

Before diving in, we need to have NodeJS installed, follow the guide here

As a first step, we will need to create a React application in which we will use profile hovers.

npx create-react-app profile-demo

Afterward, install the profile-hover component.

cd profile-demo
npm i -S profile-hover

Open App.js and import the package:

import ProfileHover from 'profile-hover';

At this point, we can use the imported component to our liking. There are various ways with which we can customize how to display it.

Let's modify the App.js in order to see how to use this feature.

import React from 'react';
import "./App.css";
import ProfileHover from 'profile-hover';
const App = ({}) => {
  return (
      <div className='ethAddress'>
        <ProfileHover orientation="right" url="" showName tileStyle address='0x3f46680099cf623163c96747a8addb85a1da1cd1' />
      <div className='ethAddress'>
        <ProfileHover orientation="right" noImgs showName tileStyle address='0xec1f83cf6a6dc7ee04a79c99a67cd3800111b355' />
      <div className='ethAddress'>
        <ProfileHover orientation="right" noCoverImg showName tileStyle address='0x499c9c826a356f72926a258afa63bcdb4df33702' />
      <div className='ethAddress'>
        <ProfileHover orientation="right" noCoverImg showName tileStyle address='0xfc27bf5bdc304ea27e74fd3f514e5400f0a9e76d' />
      <div className='ethAddress'>
        <ProfileHover orientation="right" noImgs showName address='0x781901682d3e9341a6c195ee6fe58047a9235f07' />
      <div className='ethAddress'>
        <ProfileHover orientation="right" displayFull showName address='0x442dccee68425828c106a3662014b4f131e3bd9b
' fullDisplay />
      <div className='ethAddress'>
        <ProfileHover orientation="right" showName address='0xd75bb1e6ef53d0c65bcf53ecb19d8c64a7026c58' noTheme>
export default App;

Let me explain the example above, ProfileHover is the React component used to define various profiles, there are multiple properties associated with it for example we can use a custom theme for the Tile instead of using the default one by using the noTheme property or we can also specify the location of the hover.

Last but not least, let's also modify App.css so we can visualize the profiles in a smooth way adding the following lines:

.ethAddress {
        padding: 20px 0px 0px 40px;
        height: 80px;

Now we can run the React app.

npm start


Using the HTML element

Create a new HTML file named index.html and add the script before the closing HTML tag.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

To display an address, we need to add the following tag in the body section.

<threebox-address data-address='0x442dccee68425828c106a3662014b4f131e3bd9b'></threebox-address>

There are few other ways to customize our profile hover, we can add data-display='full' to show the entire address instead of the shortened one.

We can also decide to not use the default styling using data-theme='none'.

This is an example of how we can use profile hovers in a HTML App.

    <title>Profile demo</title>
    <link href="./App.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <div class='ethAddress'>
      <threebox-address data-address='0x442dccee68425828c106a3662014b4f131e3bd9b' data-display='full'></threebox-address>
    <div class='ethAddress'>
      <threebox-address data-address='0xfc27bf5bdc304ea27e74fd3f514e5400f0a9e76d' data-theme='none'>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Customize the profile hover

Imagine you like the hover but you want to change how they are shown, this is possible. Let's take a look at the important properties.

The address property displays the profile hover since every 3Box profile is associated with an address.

The showName property makes it possible to show the user's name from their 3Box profile, if we don't use the property it shows the address shortened. If a user didn't add a name to the profile, it will show the shortened address.

The url property allows redirecting to a specific link when clicking on the Tile.

The displayFull property shows the entire address instead of the shortened address. Remember that if we add the showName property after, it will override it (look at the penultimate profile in the example above ).

These are the most important properties, if you want to take a look at all of them, read more in the documentation.


We have seen how to use this feature, now I hope you will use it to improve your UI. If you have any questions regarding profile hovers head over to the official documentation here and if you want to discuss something there is a Discord Server for that.