Truffle Adding a frontend with react box

Earlier in the series, we took a look at how to setup Truffle and use it to compile, deploy and interact with our Bounties.sol smart contract.

This article will walk through the steps required to add a simple react.js front end to our Bounties dApp so that users can interact with our smart contract using their web browser.

Source code for this tutorial can be found here.

Truffle Box

Truffle boxes are helpful boilerplate code, pre-configured to help you get up and running quickly developing your dApp.

In this article, we'll be using the [react box] ( which is essentially an example truffle project which has been merged with an ejected [create react app] ( to create a barebones solidity and react example dApp.

There are also other truffle boxes with boilerplate for other front-end frameworks such as:

You can read more about truffle boxes here.


NODEJS 11.0+


$ npm install -g truffle

[Read more on installing truffle here] (

Development Blockchain: Ganache-CLI

In order to deploy our smart contract, we’re going to need an Ethereum environment to deploy to. For this, we will use Ganache-CLI to run a local development environment

NOTE: If you have a windows machine you will need to install the windows developer tools first

npm install -g windows-build-tools
$ npm install -g ganache-cli

Metamask compatible web browser

Chrome or Firefox

Unboxing Truffle React

To use a truffle box, we simply run the truffle unbox command in an empty directory:

$ truffle unbox react

Setting up...
Unbox successful. Sweet!


  Compile:              truffle compile
  Migrate:              truffle migrate
  Test contracts:       truffle test
  Test dapp:            cd client && npm test
  Run dev server:       cd client && npm run start
  Build for production: cd client && npm run build

This creates a new truffle project with an example SimpleStorage dApp example:

To test everything is working we'll need to update the truffle.js file so that we can deploy the contract and test the dApp.

Note For Windows Users: The truffle.js configuration file will not appear. Whenever truffle.js is updated in the tutorial, apply it to the truffle-config.js* file instead.

Add the following extract to the truffle.js file inside the module.exports section to configure our local development environment:

networks: {
    development: {
      network_id: "*",
      host: 'localhost',
      port: 8545

Your truffle.js file should look like this:

Note: Make sure you add the comma after contracts_build_directory: path.join(_dirname, "client/src/contracts"),

In a separate terminal start ganache-cli:

$ ganache-cli

Ganache CLI v6.1.3 (ganache-core: 2.1.2)

Available Accounts
(0) 0xf76f2626937df45f5bd615872f33add8f4ca5d5d
(1) 0xc4aae7e1d25963a454211b42f0ab7542dcc1abb8
(2) 0x20f23b739cc9133fd6f9aa068ad5f75e37e83e3b
(3) 0xba3bfdf6628ee4ff163df572faffbad86e7c605c
(4) 0x5b9751043a0d203b618dc8252ededba673362f82
(5) 0xb3ab7896997057dd040fc3a8b6bc9bf60b3f5cc0
(6) 0x8beb7b2bdb96cea4f789eff5182b7c4c64b2ea50
(7) 0x211ee29584f25256f303463b776ede6088f5dccf
(8) 0x49f2849f418643ccac8fdb27ce45de9070ac5cec
(9) 0x28814e158cf5596df78c32951809e0ffccd11030

Private Keys
(0) e4c690778581c79e845981226507e8fd0d2852d76ae1825faec81c578f70d988
(1) b682d5638d969babcdad976ef87a22cb4e66bbb834dd3e9c71ed476bc12c8654
(2) fd6338cbf1b75394441680c50923e233d73c753afb7659516810a8ae38f948a5
(3) 3704987017ed0a08bf4942e34001ec162da909976e338a3dc47cc8becda991f3
(4) 2ba1e9af08641d85097f2c8e273c8df5648264d6bcd2d55fd2d3a188c875d224
(5) 2da1d96d0600c5c2cce7adf1d2851c343f1fbdce214493127fcf09a3d73d90e8
(6) e925893f93f25d4754dbfddb03a935dae9bdb966adecb3bd4bac05ba5bcf3117
(7) 9bc897b1775c9ea4d8fe57bbb0e42aa6bbf9da43de7ee73b1f3cb6948c3a5df3
(8) 1232ca9fa7bae16f4dbf225a220fcf9a4eae6e42dc933b212aa78c7f004d0c38
(9) 020c5813080277bae9e7717e849ba2647a703a27a72253d77a25457b966f7127

HD Wallet
Mnemonic:      cupboard spawn carpet person shield knee orange neglect plunge onion acid say
Base HD Path:  m/44'/60'/0'/0/{account_index}

Gas Price

Gas Limit

Listening on localhost:8545

Now back in truffle, we will need to first deploy the SimpleStorage.sol smart contract by runningtruffle migrate

Starting migrations...
> Network name:    'development'
> Network id:      1544519873574
> Block gas limit: 6721975


   Replacing 'Migrations'
   > transaction hash:    0xa51074cde5e3bd20b6d212eb7d4e3198d069e86841cf23e723f6aefc6879eca2
   > Blocks: 0            Seconds: 0
   > contract address:    0xB4b595863373a671823D302ef6aF229c0180556D
   > account:             0x8cd914820f523c9831822A33c40dEf68196cBd35
   > balance:             99.98500626
   > gas used:            283236
   > gas price:           20 gwei
   > value sent:          0 ETH
   > total cost:          0.00566472 ETH

   > Saving migration to chain.
   > Saving artifacts
   > Total cost:          0.00566472 ETH


   Replacing 'SimpleStorage'
   > transaction hash:    0x8d6cbfa19002df4561b9cb7e9c75b61e694e5da7b80b5d28e923befd6c66746e
   > Blocks: 0            Seconds: 0
   > contract address:    0x58Ba32a8143Ac620151A2563D335f2292067E1fb
   > account:             0x8cd914820f523c9831822A33c40dEf68196cBd35
   > balance:             99.98188252
   > gas used:            114159
   > gas price:           20 gwei
   > value sent:          0 ETH
   > total cost:          0.00228318 ETH

   > Saving migration to chain.
   > Saving artifacts
   > Total cost:          0.00228318 ETH

> Total deployments:   2
> Final cost:          0.0079479 ETH

Then start the react application by running cd client && npm run start

Note: The && command may not be accessible to you, if it doesn't work then just do cd client and npm run start separately.

$ npm run start

Compiled successfully!

The app is running at:


Note that the development build is not optimized.
To create a production build, use npm run build.

You should see the following when you visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser:

Note: Right now this tutorial is assuming that you do not have Metamask installed. Thus if the stored value is 0 do not be alarmed. If you have Metamask installed: switch to the localhost network. You will see a transaction message pop up on the screen. If you reject the transaction you will see a 0 and if you accept it you will see a 5. Either way we will just continue on from this step.

Setup Project For Our Bounties dApp

Now that we have the example project up and running, we can now start adapting it for our bounties dApp, we'll need to complete the following steps:

  1. Install react-bootstrap dependancies we'll be using for our UI
  2. Replace the SimpleStorage.sol smart contract with our Bounties.sol smart contract
  3. Update the migrations configuration to deploy our Bounties.sol smart contract
  4. Update App.js with logic required to interact with our Bounties.sol smart contract

So first, let's install our react-bootstrap dependancies:

cd client
$ npm install react-bootstrap --save
$ npm install bootstrap@3.3.7 --save
$ npm install react-bootstrap-table --save

Note: You may have a warning of a vulnerability; just use npm audit fix as it suggests to fix the problem.

Next, delete the contracts/SimpleStorage.sol file and replace it with the [Bounties.sol] ( file we developed previously:

Note: You will also need to replace inside the Bounties.sol file anything that says SimpleStorage with Bounties.

Next, update the migration file 2_deploy_contracts.js to deploy our Bounties.sol smart contract:

var Bounties = artifacts.require("./Bounties.sol");

module.exports = function(deployer) {

Now we have everything set up, we can now start updating our main application logic within the src/App.js file.

NOTE: Usually with react.js we would structure our app with components and use a state management library such as redux, however for the purpose of this tutorial we will just be focusing on the web3 components required for this dApp.

So in order to interact with our Bounties.sol smart contract, our App.js file will need to import the ABI (Application Binary Interface) which will be generated by Truffle during compilation. Currently src/App.js is configured to import the SimpleStorage.json file, let's update this:


import React, { Component } from 'react'
import SimpleStorageContract from "./contracts/SimpleStorage.json"
import getWeb3 from './utils/getWeb3'


import React, { Component } from 'react'
import BountiesContract from './contracts/Bounties.json'
import getWeb3 from './utils/getWeb3'

You will also notice that we are importing getWeb3 which we need to instantiate a web3.js object that we can use to interact with an Ethereum node using Javascript. Let's take a look at this file:

import Web3 from "web3";

const getWeb3 = () =>
  new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // Wait for loading completion to avoid race conditions with web3 injection timing.
    window.addEventListener("load", async () => {
      // Modern dapp browsers...
      if (window.ethereum) {
        const web3 = new Web3(window.ethereum);
        try {
          // Request account access if needed
          await window.ethereum.enable();
          // Acccounts now exposed
        } catch (error) {
      // Legacy dapp browsers...
      else if (window.web3) {
        // Use Mist/MetaMask's provider.
        const web3 = window.web3;
        console.log("Injected web3 detected.");
      // Fallback to localhost; use dev console port by default...
      else {
        const provider = new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(
        const web3 = new Web3(provider);
        console.log("No web3 instance injected, using Local web3.");

export default getWeb3;

The above extract returns a promise which when the window loads will check if a web3 provider has already been loaded by the browser:

NOTE: Usually if we were to use our local development environment, our node would be running on port 8545 and not 9545. However, in this tutorial, we'll be running our app in the browser, and rely on the browser to supply us with our web3 object so no need to update this, thus please change 9545 to 8545.

Web3 Provider

A Web3 Provider tells our web3.js instance which ethereum node to send our RPC instructions too.

Our application will be running in the browser and so we need a way for users to sign transactions with their private key so that they can be sent to an ethereum node for processing.

For this we'll need a way to manage a user private key(s), in the browser, without rolling our own wallet application.

There are already services that handle this for you. The most popular of these is Metamask.

Metamask injects their web3 provider into the browser in the global JavaScript object web3. So our getWeb3 function above will return the Metamask web3 enabled provider when its loaded in a browser with Metamask installed. We'll install and setup Metamask later, when we are ready to test our app.

Component Did Mount

Let's take a look at the componentDidMount() function :

  componentDidMount = async () => {
   try {
     // Get network provider and web3 instance.
     const web3 = await getWeb3();

     // Use web3 to get the user's accounts.
     const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts();

     // Get the contract instance.
     const networkId = await;
         const deployedNetwork = BountiesContract.networks[networkId];
         const instance = new web3.eth.Contract(
           deployedNetwork && deployedNetwork.address,

     // Set web3, accounts, and contract to the state, and then proceed with an
     // example of interacting with the contract's methods.
     this.setState({ bountiesInstance: instance, web3: web3, account: accounts[0]})

   } catch (error) {
     // Catch any errors for any of the above operations.
       `Failed to load web3, accounts, or contract. Check console for details.`

componentDidMount() is a react lifecycle method which is called just after the component is mounted we use this react lifecycle event to initiate our web3 instance by calling getWeb3 and also instantiating our contract instance object. This ensures our contract instance and web3 objects are ready for when our application renders.

Instantiate Contract

First we use our web3 object to get the list of available accounts, we will need this to send transaction from the list of available accounts.

 const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts();

To get the contract instance we use the following code:

const networkId = await;
const deployedNetwork = BountiesContract.networks[networkId];
const instance = new web3.eth.Contract(
   deployedNetwork && deployedNetwork.address,

As well we add in the following to set up web3, accounts, and contract to the state.

this.setState({ bountiesInstance: instance, web3: web3, account: accounts[0]})

Since we're adding a new state variable bountiesInstance we need to update our constructor to define the initial value of this state variable, we can also remove the storageValue variable since we won't be using it.

constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      bountiesInstance: undefined,
      account: null,
      web3: null

Your constructor should now look like the following:

class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      bountiesInstance: undefined,
      account: null,
      web3: null

Note: Remove the runExample function underneath componentDidMount. We will not be using it.

Issuing a Bounty

Great, now we have everything setup so when the application renders we will have a web3 instance using the metamask provider to sign transactions and send them to an ethereum network. We also have a bountiesInstance web3 object which is configured to interact with our deployed Bounties.sol smart contract on the same ethereum network.

We're now ready to issue a bounty, for this we'll need to render a form which will allow the user to:

We'll update the render() react lifecycle method to display our form to the user:

render() {
if (!this.state.web3) {
      return <div>Loading Web3, accounts, and contract...</div>;
    return (
      <div className="App">
              <a href={this.state.etherscanLink} target="_blank">Last Transaction Details</a>
              <Panel.Heading>Issue Bounty</Panel.Heading>
              <Form onSubmit={this.handleIssueBounty}>
                      placeholder="Enter bounty details"
                    <HelpBlock>Enter bounty data</HelpBlock><br/>

                      placeholder="Enter bounty deadline"
                    <HelpBlock>Enter bounty deadline in seconds since epoch</HelpBlock><br/>

                      placeholder="Enter bounty amount"
                    <HelpBlock>Enter bounty amount</HelpBlock><br/>
                    <Button type="submit">Issue Bounty</Button>

Above we render the following components:

Etherscan link

A hyperlink whose href attribute is controlled by the state variable etherscanLink

Form Create Bounty

A form where the submit button is handled by the function handleIssueBounty

Bounty Data Text Area

A text area field whose value is controlled by the state variable bountyData and its onChange callback is handled by the function handleChange

Bounty Deadline Input Field

A text input field whose value is controlled by the state variable bountyDeadline and its onChange callback is handled by the function handleChange

Bounty amount input field

A text input field whose value is controlled by the state variable bountyAmount and its onChange callback is handled by the function handleChange

Handle Change

We need to add the callback handleChange to update our form input data as it is updated by the user, add the function handleChange to App.js as follows:

// Handle form data change

    switch( {
        case "bountyData":
        case "bountyDeadline":
        case "bountyAmount":

This function simply checks which input object was updated, and then updates the value in our component state.

Handle Issue Bounty

We add the issueBounty callback to handle the event which happens when the user submits the form. This function should take the current form input values from the component state, and use the bountiesInstance object to construct and send an issueBounty transaction with the form inputs as arguments.

// Handle form submit

async handleIssueBounty(event)
      if (typeof this.state.bountiesInstance !== 'undefined') {
    let result = await this.state.bountiesInstance.methods.issueBounty(this.state.bountyData,this.state.bountyDeadline).send({from: this.state.account, value: this.state.web3.utils.toWei(this.state.bountyAmount, 'ether')})

A note on our transaction parameters from and value. Earlier in the series we learned:

Since we are using Metamask we can set the from field to this.state.account since metamask updates this to the currently selected account, every time the user changes the account in the UI.

A wei is the smallest sub-unit of Ether — there are 10^18 wei in one ether. We can use web3 to convert our amount in ETH to weis before we send it in our transaction: this.state.web3.utils.toWei(this.state.bountyAmount, 'ether')

Set Transaction Details

The function setLastTransactionDetails simply take the result of the transaction and updates the current etherscan link so the user is able to view the transaction in etherscan:

    if(result.tx !== 'undefined')
      this.setState({etherscanLink: etherscanBaseUrl+"/tx/"+result.tx})
      this.setState({etherscanLink: etherscanBaseUrl})

We'll need to also add a const etherscanBaseUrl which should be equal to the etherscan url of the environment we'll be deplying to rinkeby

const etherscanBaseUrl = ""

Update Constructor

Since we're adding new state variables etherscanLink, bountyData, bountyDeadline, and bountyAmount we need to update our constructor to define the initial values of these state variables.

We also need to bind our handleIssueBounty and handleChange callbacks to our component.

constructor(props) {

    this.state = {
      storageValue: 0,
      bountiesInstance: undefined,
      bountyAmount: undefined,
      bountyData: undefined,
      bountyDeadline: undefined,
      etherscanLink: "",
      account: null,
      web3: null

    this.handleIssueBounty = this.handleIssueBounty.bind(this)
    this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this)

Since we're using react-boostrap components for our input form we'll need to import the react-bootstrap components by adding this line to our imports section:

import Button from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Button';
import Form from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Form';
import FormGroup from 'react-bootstrap/lib/FormGroup';
import FormControl from 'react-bootstrap/lib/FormControl';
import HelpBlock from 'react-bootstrap/lib/HelpBlock';
import Grid from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Grid';
import Row from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Row';
import Panel from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Panel';

Also add the bootstrap css to the client/public/index.html file

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-BVYiiSIFeK1dGmJRAkycuHAHRg32OmUcww7on3RYdg4Va+PmSTsz/K68vbdEjh4u" crossorigin="anonymous">

Our App.js file should now [look like this] (


We'll be deploying our bounties dApp to a public test network using Infura so lets ensure we have that setup first:


In order to send transactions to a public network, you need access to a network node. Infura is a public hosted Ethereum node cluster, which provides access to its nodes via an API

If you do not already have an Infura account, the first thing you need to do is [register for an account] (

Once logged in, create a new project to generate an API key, this allows you to track the usage of each individual dApp you deploy.

Once your project is created, select the environment we will be deploying to, in this case Rinkeby, from the Endpoint drop down and copy the endpoint URL for future reference:

Make sure you save this token and keep it private!

HDWallet Provider

Infura, for security reasons, does not manage your private keys.We need to add the Truffle HDWallet Provider so that Truffle can sign deployment transactions before sending them to an Infura node.

We can install the HDWallet Priovider via npm

Note: Do not install the wallet inside of the client folder, it should be with all your other project dependencies.

npm install truffle-hdwallet-provider@web3-one --save

Generate Mnemonic

To configure the HDWallet Provider we need to provide a mnemonic which generates the account to be used for deployment.

If you already have a mnemonic, feel free to skip this part.

You can generate a mnemonic using an online mnemonic generator.

In the BIP39 Mnemonic code form:

  1. Select “ETH — Ethereum” from the “Coin” drop down
  2. Select a minimum of “12” words
  3. Click the “Generate” button to generate the mnemonic
  4. Copy and save the mnemonic located in the field “BIP39”, remember to keep this private as it is the seed that can generate and derive the private keys to your ETH accounts

  1. Scroll down the page to the Derived Addresses section and copy and save the Address this will be your Ethereum deployment account.

NOTE: Your private key will be displayed here, please keep this private.

Above the address we’ll be using is: 0x56fB94c8C667D7F612C0eC19616C39F3A50C3435

Configure Truffle

Now we have all the pieces set up, we need to configure truffle to use the HDWallet Provider to deploy to the Rinkeby environment. To do this we will need to edit the truffle.js configuration file.

First let's create a secrets.json file, this file will store your mnemonic and Infura API key so that it can be loaded by the hdwallet provider.

NOTE: Remember not to check this file into any public repository!

Next, copy the following extract to the truffle.js configuration file:

const path = require("path");
const HDWalletProvider = require('truffle-hdwallet-provider');
const fs = require('fs');

let secrets;

if (fs.existsSync('secrets.json')) {
 secrets = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('secrets.json', 'utf8'));

module.exports = {
  // See <>
  // to customize your Truffle configuration!
  contracts_build_directory: path.join(__dirname, "client/src/contracts"),

  networks: {
    development: {
      network_id: "*",
      host: 'localhost',
      port: 8545
    rinkeby: {
      provider: new HDWalletProvider(secrets.mnemonic, ""+secrets.infuraApiKey),
      network_id: '4'

The above as we [discussed earlier in the series] (, configures truffle to deploy to an environment, rinkeby, using our mnemonic to derive the deployment private key and Infura as the deployment node.

Fund Your Account

Note: Using the faucet to fund your account; you have to wait the required amount of time before you can receive more test ether.

We’re almost ready to deploy! However we need to make sure we have enough funds in our account to complete the transaction. We can fund our Rinkeby test account using the [Rinkeby ETH faucet] (

To request ETH from the faucet we need to complete the following steps:

  1. Post publicly our Ethereum deployment address from one of the following social network accounts: Twitter, Google+or Facebook, in this example we’ll be using Twitter

  2. Copy the link to the social media post

  1. Paste the link into the [Rinkeby ETH faucet] ( and select the amount of ETH to be sent

  1. Check the Rinkeby etherscan for the status of the transaction

[] (


To deploy simply run the truffle migrate command whilst specifying the network to deploy to. The networks are defined in the truffle.js configuration file we configured earlier in this article:

$ truffle migrate --network rinkeby
Compiling ./contracts/Bounties.sol...
Writing artifacts to ./build/contracts

Using network 'rinkeby'.

Starting migrations...
> Network name:    'rinkeby'
> Network id:      4
> Block gas limit: 7105656


   Deploying 'Migrations'
   > transaction hash:    0xba390351b8d7566a10a67609abe99d74f09cd0d3e411ea34c4b83ef8b0ce8577
   > Blocks: 0            Seconds: 4
   > contract address:    0x6708787E11F733e9C4050440e1BFecd52Fc2Ca05
   > account:             0x56fB94c8C667D7F612C0eC19616C39F3A50C3435
   > balance:             18.405151424
   > gas used:            283236
   > gas price:           20 gwei
   > value sent:          0 ETH
   > total cost:          0.00566472 ETH

   > Saving migration to chain.
   > Saving artifacts
   > Total cost:          0.00566472 ETH


   Deploying 'Bounties'
   > transaction hash:    0x7f02d193c04538acf2466b2e0a32b5b9c2cec6caebb1a82862a6b7dbbecf9a3d
   > Blocks: 0            Seconds: 12
   > contract address:    0xF2685CaB92e3Fb3dfEbf15A2674c1172dD2Ac5D2
   > account:             0x56fB94c8C667D7F612C0eC19616C39F3A50C3435
   > balance:             18.380009024
   > gas used:            1215092
   > gas price:           20 gwei
   > value sent:          0 ETH
   > total cost:          0.02430184 ETH

   > Saving migration to chain.
   > Saving artifacts
   > Total cost:          0.02430184 ETH

> Total deployments:   2
> Final cost:          0.02996656 ETH

Note: Please install Any Promise & Bindings to ensure there are no errors later on in the project.

npm install mz

npm install bindings


Before we can launch our dApp, we need to ensure we have Metamask enabled in our browser.

Metamask is a browser extension for Chrome and Firefox that lets users manage their Ethereum accounts and private keys, and provides an interface which users can use to interact with web applications which have web3 enabled.

Once installed in the browser, a user can interact with any browser dApp (website which has web3 enabled).

You can [read more about Metamask here] (

Install Metamask

Fund Account

Note: Using the faucet to fund your account; you have to wait the required amount of time before you can receive more test ether.

So now we have a new account set up in Metamask we'll want to fund it! We can do this by using the [rinkeby faucet] ( used earlier in the tutorial.

We just need to copy our accounts address to send ETH to which we can find in Metamask here:

Run the app!

Right we're now ready to run the app:

$ npm run start

Compiled successfully!

The app is running at:


Note that the development build is not optimized. To create a production build, use npm run build.

Our dApp will be available at http://localhost:3000 and should look like this:

Issue a bounty

Right so if all is working we should be able to issue a bounty by filling out the details in this form and submitting via the issue Bounty button.

Let's submit the following data:

When you hit the “issue Bounty” button you should expect to see a Metamask popup similar to above. This is a transaction confirmation screen, you have the option to:

Awesome, we're now able to issue a bounty in the frontend, however, once the transaction is confirmed, our UI has absolutely no idea. The saving grace is that Metamask will inform the user. However, we still need to show the user the details of the bounty was correctly added. Similarly, other users need to be able to see which bounties are currently available to fulfil!

Subscribing to events

To keep users updated, we're going to add a table which will display all the bounties which have been created.

Add the following extract to our render lifecycle in App.js:

<Panel.Heading>Issued Bounties</Panel.Heading>
<BootstrapTable data={this.state.bounties} striped hover>
  <TableHeaderColumn isKey dataField='bounty_id'>ID</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='issuer'>Issuer</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='amount'>Amount</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='data'>Bounty Data</TableHeaderColumn>

The above defines a table which uses the component state variable bounties which would be an array of json objects with the following dataFields to be displayed:

Earlier in the series when developing our smart contract we defined a BountyIssued event which emitted the dataFields in question:

event BountyIssued(uint bounty_id, address issuer, uint amount, string data);

This event is emitted every time a new bounty is created in our issueBounty function:

bounties.push(Bounty(msg.sender, _deadline, _data, BountyStatus.CREATED, msg.value));
emit BountyIssued(bounties.length - 1,msg.sender, msg.value, _data);
return (bounties.length - 1);

Using web3.js we can subscribe to these events in our web app and use this to populate our bounties array.

Add Event Listener

To subscribe to events we'll add a new function to App.js named addEventListener:

    addEventListener(component) {{fromBlock: 0, toBlock: 'latest'})
    .on('data', function(event){
      console.log(event); // same results as the optional callback above
      var newBountiesArray = component.state.bounties.slice()
      component.setState({ bounties: newBountiesArray })
    .on('error', console.error);

The addEventListener method does the following:

A few more things, in our componentDidMount function we'll add a line at the end to start out events listener:


The above should be placed underneath the following line in componentDidMount :

this.setState({ bountiesInstance: instance, web3: web3, account: accounts[0]})

Since we added a new state variable bounties we'll need to update our initial state in our constructor:

storageValue: 0,
bountiesInstance: undefined,
bountyAmount: undefined,
bountyData: undefined,
bountyDeadline: undefined,
etherscanLink: "",
bounties: [],
account: null,
web3: null

Our table is also using some react-bootstrap-table components so we'll need to import those and also import the react-boostrap-table css.

import BootstrapTable from 'react-bootstrap-table/lib/BootstrapTable';
import TableHeaderColumn from 'react-bootstrap-table/lib/TableHeaderColumn';

import 'react-bootstrap-table/dist/react-bootstrap-table-all.min.css';

Your App.js file should now [look like this] (

We're now ready to relaunch our app, actually since its hot loading we shouldn't have to. Your app should now look like this in the browser:

Awesome, that's it! Now when you issue a bounty, the details of the bounty will be available in the table once the transaction has been processed.

Data Storage With IPFS


Earlier in the series, we briefly introduced IPFS. To recap IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) is a peer to peer protocol for distributing files. Think of it as a filesystem using the ideas behind BitTorrent and Git where data is content-addressable and immutable.

You can [learn more about IPFS here] (

The requirements and evidence data fields of our issueBounty and fulfil bounty functions currently accept arbitrary length strings. Baring in mind the more data we save on the Ethereum network the more expensive our transaction, a user wanting to send a very long explanation in their requirements would be penalised since their transaction would be more expensive.

Quite a large portion of dApp development and design will centre around balancing the tradeoffs between security and decentralisation and the transaction cost to the user.

In any case anyway, we can reduce the transaction cost to the user is a plus!

Storing requirements in IPFS

So when issuing a bounty, also when fulfiling one. We can use IPFS to store the requirements text which would be of arbitrary length, and this would return us an id (hash of the content) which we can use to look the data up. This id or hash is always of fixed length and we would send this to the smart contract for reference instead of the requirements. This would mean that the length of the requirements input would no longer increase the cost of our issue bounty transaction!


ipfs-miniis a Javascript wrapper built around the ipfs Javascript API

You can [read more about IPFS-MINI here] (

Install ipfs-mini via npm( install this with your other project dependencies / not in client) :

$ npm install --save ipfs-mini

Update Our App to Use IPFS

First, let's create the following ipfs helper for our app, copy the following extract in a new file src/utils/IPFS.js

const IPFS = require('ipfs-mini');
const ipfs = new IPFS({ host: '', port: 5001, protocol: 'https' });

export const setJSON = (obj) => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        ipfs.addJSON(obj, (err, result) => {
            if (err) {
            } else {

export const getJSON = (hash) => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        ipfs.catJSON(hash, (err, result) => {
            if (err) {
            } else {

The helper is a simple first creates an IPFS instance which connects to the IPFS node provided by Infura running at

It then gives us 2 functions:

  1. setJSON: which takes a JSON object as an argument and add its to IPFS returning the id or ipfsHash
  2. getJSON: which takes an ipfsHash or id and returns the JSON object which is references

We can now update our App.js file to make use of these two functions.

First, let's import our helper functions:

import { setJSON, getJSON } from './utils/IPFS.js'

Next, let's update our table definition to include a new field to display the ipfs document, also update the data field to the. name bountyData since we'll want to get the data from ipfs before displaying it.

<BootstrapTable data={this.state.bounties} striped hover>
  <TableHeaderColumn isKey dataField='bounty_id'>ID</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='issuer'>Issuer</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='amount'>Amount</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='ipfsData'>Bounty Data</TableHeaderColumn>
  <TableHeaderColumn dataField='bountyData'>Bounty Data</TableHeaderColumn>

Next, let's update our handleIssueBounty callback, here we need to add the bountyData to ipfs using the setJSON function and then use the result of this as the data argument to our issueBounty function.

  async handleIssueBounty(event)
   if (typeof this.state.bountiesInstance !== 'undefined') {
     const ipfsHash = await setJSON({ bountyData: this.state.bountyData });
     let result = await this.state.bountiesInstance.methods.issueBounty(ipfsHash,this.state.bountyDeadline).send({from: this.state.account, value: this.state.web3.utils.toWei(this.state.bountyAmount, 'ether')})

Next, let's update our addEventListener callback, here we first get the JSON data from ipfs using the id or ipfsHash which will be present in the data field of our event. We then update the results args with 2 new fields before we add them to the new bounties array:

  addEventListener(component) {{fromBlock: 0, toBlock: 'latest'})
    .on('data', async function(event){
      //First get the data from ipfs and add it to the event
      var ipfsJson = {}
        ipfsJson = await getJSON(;


      if(ipfsJson.bountyData !== undefined)
        event.returnValues['bountyData'] = ipfsJson.bountyData;
        event.returnValues['ipfsData'] = ipfsBaseUrl+"/";
      else {
        event.returnValues['ipfsData'] = "none";
        event.returnValues['bountyData'] = event.returnValues['data'];

      var newBountiesArray = component.state.bounties.slice()
      component.setState({ bounties: newBountiesArray })
    .on('error', console.error);

Last but not least we need to define our const ipfsBaseUrl which is the url for a public IPFS gateway:

const ipfsBaseUrl = "";

Your App.js file should now [look like this] (

Run Our dApp

We're now ready to relaunch our app

$ npm run start

Issue a bounty

Once running lets issue another bounty

Let's submit the following data:

Once the transaction is confirmed and processed, our app should look like this:

That's all folk! You have successfully built and deployed a bounty dApp to the rinkeby development environment. The dApp which uses ipfs to store bounty requirements, and we've developed a front end to allow a user to issue a bounty!

Try it yourself

You'll have noticed that our front end does not currently support:

Try adding UI components so users can use these features.