Zeppelin - Sponsor Bounty at ETHDenver 2019!
Company/Project Name and Description
Zeppelin builds key infrastructure and software to help developers create secure applications, and audits top blockchain companies. We are proud maintainers of OpenZeppelin, an open source repository of general-purpose reusable secure smart contracts. One year ago we launched ZeppelinOS, a toolset for managing upgradeable contracts, now we are growing our ecosystem with more tools for upgradeability and EVM packages- an ecosystem of secure on-chain code.
Bounty 1 Overview: Best EVM Package
Description: An EVM package is a set of reusable contracts, whose code has already been deployed to the network, so users only need to link it in order to use it in their smart contract projects.
We will award US$1,000 to the best EVM package developed during the hackathon, plus participants will have the option to join the ZEP token private beta, which will enable them to have their package listed on the ZeppelinOS registry, as well as provide the opportunity to receive up to US$2,000 worth of ZEP tokens to participate in the network. Any ZEP tokens distributed will be issued by zOS Global Limited, a Zeppelin entity.
To join the ZEP Token Private Beta: https://blog.zeppelinos.org/announcing-the-zep-token-private-beta/
Prize Amount: $1000
- Check out this article on how to build your EVM package using ZeppelinOS: https://blog.zeppelinos.org/evm-package-deployment-with-zeppelinos-part-i-introduction-and-creating-a-linkedlist-contract/
- Examples of EVM packages:
- Gnosis’ gnosis-safe: https://github.com/gnosis/safe-contracts
- LevelK’s registry-builder: https://github.com/levelkdev/registry-builder/
- Livepeer’s sorted-doubly-linked-list: https://github.com/livepeer/sorted-doubly-ll/
- TPL’s tpl-protocol: https://github.com/TPL-protocol/tpl-contracts-eth/
- Zeppelin’s openzeppelin-eth: https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-eth/
Bounty 2 Overview: Best usage of Zeppelin tools (OpenZeppelin & ZeppelinOS)
Description: The most widely used Zeppelin open source tools include OpenZeppelin, a repository of reusable contracts, and ZeppelinOS, a toolset for managing upgradeable systems and linking secure EVM packages. We will award US$1,000 to the best usage of OpenZeppelin and/or ZeppelinOS in a project. Projects may choose to jumpstart their development by relying on our Zeppelin ZepKit , which spins up a react-based DApp pre-configured with OpenZeppelin, ZeppelinOS, and Truffle.
Prize Amount: $1000
- To download the starter box for DApps, please visit https://zepkit.zeppelinos.org/
- Get started with OpenZeppelin: https://openzeppelin.org/api/docs/get-started.html
- Get started with ZeppelinOS: https://docs.zeppelinos.org/docs/start.html
Requirements For Both Bounties (e.g., link to open source code)
- All projects must be open source and must include a link to the repository
- EVM packages should be published to at least a testnet, and preferably, to mainnet as well.
- DApps should be live and accessible for testing.
- A README describing the project and how to use it is always appreciated, and mandatory for EVM packages in particular.
Judging Criteria For Both Bounties
Originality and usefulness: - We are looking for original and creative projects, which at the same time are useful and practical, either solving a need or introducing a valid use case.
Technical prowess: - This includes a project that demonstrates the use of clever techniques, smart integrations with Zeppelin’s (or other’s!) building-blocks, or is just particularly impressive under-the-hood.
Security: - While it is expected that code produced in a hackathon may have bugs, having security in consideration will be taken into account, especially for EVM packages.
Easy to use: - This includes documentation, a friendly API, and potentially samples for EVM packages; and good user experience in general for other projects.
Additional Information
We will extend invitations to the ZEP token private beta to remarkable projects working on top of EVM packages, as well as to security researchers who report vulnerabilities on such packages. Participation in the beta includes eligibility to receive tokens in order to test the network mechanics.
ZEP Token private beta: https://blog.zeppelinos.org/announcing-the-zep-token-private-beta/
Contact Information
Santiago Palladino - santiago@zeppelin.solutions
- Kauri original title: Zeppelin - Sponsor Bounty at ETHDenver 2019!
- Kauri original link: https://kauri.io/zeppelin-sponsor-bounty-at-ethdenver-2019/63eaa33cf5b54a43a7591beea913f179/a
- Kauri original author: Bufficorn (@bufficorn)
- Kauri original Publication date: 2019-02-12
- Kauri original tags: sponsor-bounty, ethdenver-2019
- Kauri original hash: QmUftZcU6feZSgfornYAEyrgSB4QpRHebXtEwsE6EPy5hR
- Kauri original checkpoint: QmYRYAA1TRyDiXS6uLXdt6qS8AnW63tqJHYpUQKrdyNz7h