Wyre - Sponsor Bounty at ETHDenver 2019!
Company/Project Name and Description
Fiat to Crypto API that provides out-of-the-box compliance, payments, liquidity solutions for DApps to go to market tomorrow.
Bounty 1 Overview: Most End to End Complete Solution with our API
Prize Amount: 1,000 DAI
Bounty 2 Overview: Best use of our API within the most creative/ ambitious/ sci fi project
Prize Amount: 1,000 DAI
Bounty 3 Overview: Most immediate and practical use of our API for immediate impact
Prize Amount: 1,000 DAI
Bounty 4 Overview: 100 DAI to the first 20 submissions with our API or Widget
Prize Amount: 2,000 DAI total
- http://docs.sendwyre.com
Requirements (e.g., link to open source code)
Judging Criteria
Completeness, Practical Impact, Creative Use
Contact Information
Thomas Scaria - thomas@sendwyre.com
- Kauri original title: Wyre - Sponsor Bounty at ETHDenver 2019!
- Kauri original link: https://kauri.io/wyre-sponsor-bounty-at-ethdenver-2019/73e4e05727084fbab8f387133f464fce/a
- Kauri original author: Bufficorn (@bufficorn)
- Kauri original Publication date: 2019-02-14
- Kauri original tags: sponsor-bounty, ethdenver-2019
- Kauri original hash: Qmf5B7hRLCw6vwWoTxfmx1dmm34uakA8cXGmrrDJqq5C7g
- Kauri original checkpoint: Qmekp5iiDi5N5M4KdtAVGBEJEF3ahMgWYZJqL7s1qmkQ9g