Rhombus - Sponsor Bounty at ETHDenver 2019!
Company/Project Name and Description
Rhombus connects your dapp with real-world data.
Bounty 1 Overview: Oracle
Description: Best application of a Rhombus oracle
Prize Amount: - First place: $1,000 - Second place: $750 - Third place: $500 - Fourth place: $250
- Github: https://github.com/RhombusNetwork
- Technical docs: https://docs.rhombus.network
- Example Lighthouse oracle (ETH/USD): https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/address/0x7ce662974fbb9b590c60dbf99f078120405ff0b9#readContract
- We’ll release several additional oracles as the hackathon approaches and can add custom oracles for your dapp upon request.
Additional Information
The first 15 projects that register with us and commit to using a Rhombus oracle in their dapp will receive $100, even if they don't place in the top 4 - as long as they successfully complete a dapp and integrate one of our oracles. Projects after the first 15 will receive a spot on our waitlist, and if any of the first 15 projects aren't able to successfully build dapps integrating Rhombus oracles, their $100 will be allocated to the waitlisted teams in order.
Requirements (e.g., link to open source code)
Judging Criteria
Prizes will be awarded to the most interesting applications of our oracle feeds.
Contact Information
Doug von Kohorn - dougvk@gmail.com
- Kauri original title: Rhombus - Sponsor Bounty at ETHDenver 2019!
- Kauri original link: https://kauri.io/rhombus-sponsor-bounty-at-ethdenver-2019/74ed99544dc34542afccb51ac7532d3f/a
- Kauri original author: Bufficorn (@bufficorn)
- Kauri original Publication date: 2019-02-12
- Kauri original tags: sponsor-bounty, ethdenver-2019
- Kauri original hash: QmWmE7wtqjTcNzKhEgCC8e5CfTfVgcmyA181SvuKzT9JiH
- Kauri original checkpoint: QmRS3wCLX2MRi62bg9NTM89qNkgm3XjpKXciLvCKAr1f1g