Portis - Sponsor Bounty at ETHDenver 2019!
Company/Project Name and Description
By embedding the Portis SDK with a couple of lines of code, DApp developers allow their users to enjoy a built-in web3-capable wallet in their existing browser, no installation required. And thanks to its end-to-end encryption architecture, users maintain absolute control over their private keys, all through a simple and familiar email and password login method.
Bounty 1 Overview: 🛴 "Take 'er for a spin!"
Description: If you created a functional DApp as part of the ETHDenver 2019 Hackathon, which runs on a live environment (deploying for free is super easy nowadays) and you integrated Portis into it as its default or fallback web3 provider, please claim one of the bounties we opened on GitCoin by issuing a PR with a link to your DApp. If all the above conditions are met, then you will be rewarded the ETH in the bounty.
It's our way of giving you a little gas money, so you can deploy to mainnet and play around with your DApp there. Or use it to buy an NFT for charity on RadiCards. Whatever tickles your fancy.
Bounty 2 Overview: 🏎 "Lambos on the Moon"
Description: We will be looking for DApps created in the Hackathon that have taken our vision to heart. That have decided to utilize the frictionless experience provided by Portis to build a DApp with the mainstream crowd in mind.
- 1st Place Prize Amount: $750
- 2nd Place Prize Amount: $250
- Homepage
- https://github.com/portis-project/ethdenver2019-hackathon
- Portis Documentation - Your guide for all the various useful configurations you have at your disposal when you're developing on Portis
Requirements (e.g., link to open source code)
Judging Criteria
Originality, outside the box thinking, mainstream usability, outstanding UX
Contact Information
Tom Teman - tom@portis.io Itay Radotzki - itay@portis.io Scott Gralnick - scott@portis.io
- Kauri original title: Portis - Sponsor Bounty at ETHDenver 2019!
- Kauri original link: https://kauri.io/portis-sponsor-bounty-at-ethdenver-2019/9869c4b05df54c6c9ee84b58fa4b45a1/a
- Kauri original author: Bufficorn (@bufficorn)
- Kauri original Publication date: 2019-02-12
- Kauri original tags: ethereum, ux, usability, web3js, sponsor-bounty, ethdenver-2019
- Kauri original hash: QmaGwJc5tYioiuVyhDX27ArpPCPc6vez7U7RPBPbnthSS5
- Kauri original checkpoint: QmSRv329t5c2hpHHf1Yz4XZomqgeBc8LVh9KNJC9z4PVDS